Watlow Heater Catalog
Part Number Index
Part Number include a suffix alpha character. This is the last alpha character that appears in the product part number. Note: This lookup table is provided to help identify the product type of a legacy part. Starting in 2018 and going forward, new product designs will be transitioned to a common sequential, numerical part numbering system. Part numbers will follow a format of ####-####. Legacy part numbers can continue to be used for ordering purposes. Part Number Description Page Number 005_ STRETCH-TO-LENGTH ® line heaters 127 010_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 119 020_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 119 030_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 119 01202_ STRETCH-TO-LENGTH line heaters 127 01203_ STRETCH-TO-LENGTH line heaters 127 0121805_ STRETCH-TO-LENGTH line heaters 127 015_ STRETCH-TO-LENGTH line heaters 127 0160205_ STRETCH-TO-LENGTH line heaters 127 0161805_ STRETCH-TO-LENGTH line heaters 127 02002_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 119 02005_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 119 03003_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 119 030050_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 119 04004_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 120 04005_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 120 050050_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 120 050100C_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 120 05015_ Silicone rubber wire-wound elements 120 62_ Coil/Cable heaters 459 94_ Coil/Cable heaters 459 11 Thermostats 512 125_ Coil/Cable heaters (ex: 125CH38A18X) 459 157_ Coil/Cable heaters (ex: 157CH124AX) 460 2 Thermostats 512 2A Thermostats 512 3 Thermostats 512 3A Thermostats 512 4 Thermostats 512 5A Thermostats 512 7A Thermostats 512 BCN_ WATROD™ - screw plug immersion heaters 150-152 BCS_ WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters 184-185 BDN_ WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters 153-154 BDNF_ FIREBAR ® - screw plug immersion heaters 155-157, Description BHNA_ BHNB_ WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters BHS_ BHSS_ BLN_ BLNA_ BLNF_ WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters FIREBAR - screw plug immersion heaters BLR_ BLS_ WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters C_ 1 ⁄ 8 in. FIREROD heaters CAN_ CAP_ ASSURANT ® Type A insulator ASSURANT Type A heater CBDNF_ FIREBAR - screw plug circulation heaters CBE Booster heaters CBEN_ CBES_ CBLN_ WATROD - screw plug circulation heaters WATROD - screw plug circulation heaters WATROD - screw plug circulation heaters CBLNA_ WATROD - screw plug circulation heaters CBLNF_ FIREBAR - screw plug circulation heaters CBLR_ CBLS_ CCN_ WATROD - screw plug circulation heaters WATROD - screw plug circulation heaters ASSURANT Type C insulator ASSURANT Type C heater CCP_ CER_ ULTRAMIC ® heaters (ex: CER-1-01-00002) CFBLKT_ Ceramic fiber insulation blanket How To Use This Index This easy cross reference contains the alpha or numeric prefixes for all Watlow product part numbers contained in this catalog. The spaces (_) shown in some of the following prefixes indicate additional characters. Some part numbers Page Number 180-181 191-194 201-203 162-163, 174-175, 204-206 182-183 164, 176-177, 197-198, 207-208 213-214 165-167 195-196, 211-212 217 35 131 131 311, 320, 336, 346, 352 361 311, 327 336 311, 320 327 312, 320, 337, 346, 353 317 337, 352
131 131 450 426 124 124
ASSURANT Type F heater ASSURANT Type F insulator
168-169, 198-190, 199-200, 209-210 153-154, 178-179 186-187 158-161, 170-172 191-194 158-161, 170-173, 201-203
WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters 310, 319, 345
CFMNA_ WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters
WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters
351, 336
WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters
WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters 312, 321, 346
WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters
CFNNA_ WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters
328-329 337-338, 352
WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters
WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters
WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters
WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters 311, 320, 345
WATROD - screw plug immersion heaters
CFONA_ WATROD - ANSI flange circulation heaters
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